Winter Storm Safety – Video Short
As temperatures drop and winter storms blow through, make sure you’re aware of your surroundings whenever venturing outside. It’s not uncommon for heavy winds, snow, and ice to bring down power lines and utility poles. If you come in contact with a downed power line, be sure to stay at least 35 feet back, which […]
Prepare for Natural Disasters – Video Short
While we cannot prevent natural disasters, we can make sure our homes are electrically safe before and after the storm. Be sure to turn off your power if your utility asks you to. Move any sensitive electronics high and make sure your phones and other emergency communication devices are fully charged. If you use a […]
Portable Generator Safety – Video Short
When used properly, portable and standby generators are a great option for providing power during brownouts or blackouts. However, improper use and installation of generators can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure to always keep generators at least 20 feet away from doors and windows. Never operate a generator in an enclosed space. Make sure […]
Seguridad Eléctrica Durante los Desastres Naturales – Video Short
Aunque no podemos evitar los desastres naturales, podemos asegurarnos de que nuestras casas sean electricamente seguras antes y despues de una tormenta. En caso de un desastre natural asegurate de desconectar la electricidad si la compania electrica te lo pide. Mueve todos los aparatos electronicos sensibles lo mas alto posible para evitar el agua de […]
Generadores de Emergencia – Video Short
Los generadores de emergencia son un gran opcion para suministrar energia de respaldo durante los bajones de tension o los apagones. No obstante el uso y la instalacion inadecuados de los generadores. Pueden provocar una intoxicacion for monoxido de carbon. Por lo tando, debes mantener los generadores a una distancia minima de 20 pies de […]
Fallas Electricas y Los Accidentes en la Concia – Video Short
Las fallas electricas y los accidentes en la cocina son las principales causas de los incendios domesticos. Durante el invierno, los incendios domesticos causados por accidentes cin la calefaccion tambien aumentan. Para evitar un incendio, rercuerda onservar, escuchar, y mantenerse alerta. Nunca dejes desatendida una estufa o un aparato de cocina encendido. Nunca utilices la […]
Seguridad Durante Tormentas de Invierno – Video Short
Con la bajada de las temperaturas y las tormentas de nieve, asegúrate de esta atento a tu entorno siempre que te aventures a salir. No es raro que los vientos fuertes, las nevadas y hielo derriben postes y líneas eléctricas. Si te encuentras con una línea derribada, asegúrate de mantenerte a un mínimo de 35 […]
Solar PV Connector Safety
Connector issues can cause fires and worker injuries. Proper installation is important. Unskilled or untrained workers installing photovoltaics (PV) can lead to issues. Connectors provide connections between the array. There is no universal standard for PV connector design. Connectors with high operating temperatures may be the only warning sign of failure. Recommended Installation Practices Use […]
Net Zero Energy Use & Energy Resilience
Net zero buildings produce the same amount of energy as they use. Learn how to make your home or business energy efficient while focusing on energy resiliency. Energy Independence Solar panels can create energy and store them in energy storage systems for later use When solar panels are paired with energy storage systems, you can […]
Energy Resilience: Energy Storage Systems & Photovoltaics
Do you have solar panels or photovoltaic modules installed on your home or business? Having energy storage systems helps increase your energy efficiency by storing energy for use during peak hours or during a power outage. Reduce Power Grid Dependency Solar panels generate energy, charge batteries, and sell extra power back to the grid Energy […]
Energy Storage System Electrical Safety for First Responders
Understand the Unique Risks When Energy Storage Systems (ESS) Are Involved Where are Energy Storage Systems (ESS) Located Residential settings, usually near the electrical panel Microgrids Commercial Critical infrastructure Utilities Mitigation and Emergency Response Is the system active or shut down? Are there abnormal temperature readings? Is there smoke or toxic or flammable gas present? […]
Photovoltaic Safety for First Responders
Understand the Unique Risks when a PV (Solar) System is Involved Pre-Incident Planning Contact building officials to see where PV systems are installed. Request to be notified when new PV is installed PV Panels and Arrays Locate which portion of the roof has the PV system Follow conduit to locate where PV may be installed […]