Everyone’s favorite Safety Detective, Private I. Plug, invites you to join him for an exclusive viewing of his 4 Seasons...
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Each season of the year has unique fire and electrical safety dangers that are related to common seasonal activities. The 4 Seasons of Safety program includes tips, lessons and activities that help students learn about basic fire and electricity concepts while also providing critical safety information that helps them learn to identify and prevent the fire and electrical safety hazards. All included activities can be conducted without the need for additional resources or supplies and with little to no advance preparation required.
The program also includes valuable family involvement opportunities. Take-home resources empower students to share the safety information they have learned with their families.
The 4 Seasons of Safety program resources are appropriate for students in grades 3-5 and have been developed to align with the following educational standards:
Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety Classroom Toolkit: Each section of the toolkit includes two seasonal lessons and safety tips along with information to help you tailor the activities to your grade level.
Classroom Poster: Display this colorful poster in a prominent place in your classroom as a constant reminder of the steps we can take to stay safe all year long.
The 4 Seasons of Safety program includes tips, lessons and activities that help students learn about basic fire and electricity concepts while also providing critical safety information that helps them learn to identify and prevent the fire and electrical safety hazards. All included activities can be conducted without the need for additional resources or supplies and with little to no advance preparation required. Available in “.Notebook” format.
Funding for this program was provided by a 2012 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the Department of Homeland Security / Federal Emergency Management Agency.
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Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI)
1300 17th Street North, Suite 900, Arlington, Virginia 22209
Tel 703-841-3229 Fax 703-841-3329