Elementary Educational Resources

Resources for Children

Curiosity is a natural part of childhood learning, but it can be extremely dangerous when it comes to electricity. ESFI is dedicated to reducing the number of childhood injuries and deaths from electrically-related accidents through education and awareness.

As the industry leader in electrical safety, ESFI has a firm commitment to electrical safety education. To effectively teach about safe practices with electricity, ESFI realizes that it is imperative to teach not only about electrical safety, but about electricity itself. By integrating electricity and electrical safety lessons, ESFI creates a one-stop resource for teachers, educators, parents, and students. By developing the lessons through a sound system of educational techniques, ESFI extends its high level of commitment to fostering safe practices in our increasingly electricity-dependent lives. 

ESFI has designed our programs to satisfy the leading educational standards without the need for additional resources. The lessons are also designed to be used by all teachers, regardless of their background. Teachers do not need to be scientists or be scientifically proficient. Finally, the lessons are designed to be effective regardless of the socioeconomic status of student or school. 

We invite you to use our free resources to assist you in your elementary education and awareness efforts.

What is Electricity? – The more students know about which things rely on electricity, the more aware of the potential dangers they’ll become, and the more likely they’ll be to use it safely. These lesson ideas and student printouts can be used to supplement science/electricity curricula.

It’s Electric! – These program materials, developed in accordance with the National Science Education standards, deliver critical electrical and fire safety information that will help students develop life-long safe habits.

Plug In to Holiday Safety – These holiday safety materials deliver critical holiday fire and electrical safety messages focused on decorating, cooking, space heaters, and smoke alarms.

Warm Up to Safety This Winter! – Program materials deliver critical electrical and fire safety information focused specifically on space heaters, smoke alarms, and safe heating practices.

What is Fire Safety? – Program materials teach students in grades 3-5 about the critical importance of smoke alarms, fire escape planning, and fire drills.

Visit the Kids’ Corner and Spanish-language Kids’ Corner for interactive learning games and animated safety videos that reinforce the key fire safety and electrical safety messages introduced in the classroom programs.

ESFI's Kids' Corner

Comprehensive new program includes tips, lessons and activities that help students in grades 3-5 learn about basic fire and electricity concepts as they relate to common seasonal activities.

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