Protect your home and family from electrical hazards and fires.
Safe work practices are vital to everyone in your business.
New and updated storm safety resources to keep homes and businesses safe during severe weather
Curiosity is a natural part of childhood learning, but it can be extremely dangerous when it comes to electricity.
Get the latest information on National Electrical Safety Month, Fire Prevention Week and more!
As a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is funded by contributions. These contributions are deductible as charitable contributions to the fullest extent permitted by law. ESFI contributors represent a broad spectrum of industry and community stakeholders, including:
ESFI depends on contributions to provide funding for the development of new programs and resources throughout the year.
A focus on electrical safety demonstrates genuine concern for the safety and welfare of employees, customers, and community. Financial contributions to ESFI are a powerful way to show a commitment to electrical safety. Working together, we can reduce electrical fatalities, injuries, and property loss.
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Electrical Safety Foundation (ESFI)
1300 17th Street North, Suite 900, Arlington, Virginia 22209
Tel 703-841-3229 Fax 703-841-3329