Every day, counterfeit electrical products are finding their way into our homes, businesses, and public institutions. These fraudulent products pose a serious financial and legal liability to the electrical industry, and they have become a grave safety crisis for our communities – a crisis that requires immediate action. Counterfeit electrical products pose significant safety hazards, and can cause deaths, injuries and substantial property loss in the home and the workplace if left undetected.
Over the past decade, U.S. seizures of counterfeit products have increased more than 325%. Consumer electronics, with a value of nearly $40 million, were the top commodity seized in 2011. Counterfeit products can unknowingly be used in manufacturing, military, critical infrastructure, and consumer product applications. They not only endanger the economic health of our nation, but more importantly, put the safety of our families, communities, and employees at risk.
Eliminating counterfeit electrical products from the electrical supply chain will require a collaborative and multifaceted effort. ESFI’s latest effort, Zero Tolerance for Counterfeits, draws upon the successes of previous anti-counterfeiting efforts and leverages new data to educate and advance awareness among the public and industry stakeholders.
ESFI thanks its financial supporters of the Zero Tolerance for Counterfeits campaign including: