Why is there a different kind of outlet in my bathroom? What does that “TEST” button do? Why does the circuit breaker trip every time my portable air conditioner comes on? What’s the difference between a power strip and a surge protector?
Do you know everything you should about your home’s electrical system and the electrical products you use in it every day? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably “no.” It’s time to change that.
Electrically-related home fires and incidents result in hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries and more than a billion dollars in property damage each year. A healthy respect for electricity and a basic knowledge of electrical safety practices can help keep your home and family safe from electrical hazards all year long.
The Home Electrical Safety Challenge provides a simple exercise to help you give your home an electrical safety “check-up.” Each week during National Electrical Safety Month, use the Challenge worksheets in this section to take a look at a different area of your home. Learn to identify potential electrical hazards and correct them. Making a few easy changes to improve safety can also lead to increased energy efficiency and savings on your utility bills.

Is your home ready for the challenge?
The Home Electrical Safety Challenge was developed to help raise awareness about potential home electrical hazards. This exercise is not a substitute for an electrical system inspection performed by a licensed, qualified electrician.
Many of the conditions that cause electrical fires and incidents can be detected during a home electrical system inspection.
ESFI recommends that you have an electrical system inspection conducted if:

  • Your home is 40 years old or older
  • You purchase a previously-owned home
  • Your home has undergone a major renovation
  • You have added major new appliances in the last 10 years