About Us

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is the trusted voice for electrical safety.

The mission of ESFI is to prevent electrically-related injuries, deaths, and fires. We save lives and property through public education and outreach.

The future is increasingly electric. With more electrification comes the potential for increased exposure to electrical products.

  • 69% of all electrical workplace fatalities occur in non-electrical occupations
  • Contact with overhead power lines account for 45% of fatalities
  • Working on or near energized parts account for another 44%
  • 39% of electrical fatalities could have been prevented by safety device controls
  • 7%of all fatalities could have been prevented by ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs)

In order for the electrical industry to meet the needs of society, safety will be imperative for success and growth.

Our Mission

The mission of ESFI is to prevent electrically-related injuries, deaths and fires; saving lives and property through public education and outreach.

ESFI is committed to:

  • Being the leading authority on electrical safety issues for consumers, workers, and the media
  • Identifying and addressing evolving electrical safety needs
  • Deploying effective electrical safety materials and programs that break technical concepts into easy safety steps
  • Advocating safety technology, compliance with codes and standards, and risk-reducing behaviors

Who We Are

ESFI is the premier 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace.

Founded in 1994 as a cooperative effort by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), ESFI depends on the support of community and industry stakeholders to provide funding for the development of new programs and resources throughout the year. ESFI receives funding from electrical manufacturers, distributors, independent testing laboratories, retailers, insurers, utilities, safety organizations, and trade and labor associations.

What We Do

ESFI is dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace through education, awareness, and advocacy.

  • ESFI partners with corporations, industry organizations, community leaders, and the media to develop key resources and consistent electrical safety messages. 
  • ESFI proudly sponsors National Electrical Safety Month each May and engages in public education campaigns throughout the year to prevent electrical fires, injuries and fatalities. We encourage and support organizations in their efforts to promote electrical safety.
  • ESFI educates consumers and the public about how to recognize warning signs of electrical hazards, providing information about new, advanced safety technology that offers enhanced protection in the home.
  • ESFI promotes safety in the workplace by providing dynamic educational and awareness materials to help employers ensure a safe working environment for their employees.
  • ESFI provides vital third-party validation by advocating the adoption of legislation, codes, and standards that are consistent with our mission of electrical safety.
  • ESFI serves as a national resource and the leading authority for electrical safety information. We are often called upon by media outlets to serve as experts on electrical safety issues.

Get involved with ESFI today.

  • Open doors to new relationships.
  • Contribute thought leadership.
  • Provide brand exposure.
  • Steer strategy and content development.
  • Establish outreach priorities.
  • Drive better safety and business outcomes.



We need your help to educate the public and ensure workers and consumers have access to information to make safe choices.

  • Sign up to receive our newsletter and updates on our offerings.
  • Make a donation to support our work.
  • Contribute your expertise to our workgroups developing materials & messages.
  • Share our resources with your colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders.