Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Fire Escape Planning

Smoke Alarms Carbon Monoxide Alarms Fire Escape Planning Smoke Alarms On average, 8 people die in a home fire each day in the U.S.—almost 3,000 people every year. While working smoke alarms cut the chance of dying in a fire nearly in half, roughly two-thirds of all home fire deaths occur in homes without working […]

Home Wiring Safety Tips

Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) recommends that homeowners have their homes electrically inspected, particularly if: The home is 40 or more years old The home is 10 or more years old and has had major renovation, an addition, or major new appliance installed New owner of a previously owned home The following are some of […]

Fire Safety Planning Checklist

Once the smoke alarm sounds, you may only have a few minutes to get to safety outside the house. You need to plan ahead and be prepared before a fire emergency happens. Follow these simple steps to make sure your family is prepared to make a safe escape!

Outdoor Electrical Safety Check Booklet

This helpful reference guide highlights important tips and advice for the safe outdoor use of electricity, and explains how you can use electrical safety devices to help protect against conditions that can cause electrical shock and fire hazards. It includes safety tips for dealing with power tools, downed power lines, floods and electricity, and portable […]

Indoor Electrical Safety Check Booklet

This helpful reference guide highlights important tips and advice for the safe indoor use of electricity, and provides practical guidelines for performing an electrical home safety audit, learning about electrical inspections, circuit maps, and power audits and identifying potential electrical hazards in and around the home. Available in English and Spanish.

Indoor Electrical Safety Check Booklet (Spanish)

This helpful reference guide highlights important tips and advice for the safe indoor use of electricity, and provides practical guidelines for performing an electrical home safety audit, learning about electrical inspections, circuit maps, and power audits and identifying potential electrical hazards in and around the home. Available in English and Spanish.

Outdoor Electrical Safety Check Booklet (Spanish)

This helpful reference guide highlights important tips and advice for the safe outdoor use of electricity, and explains how you can use electrical safety devices to help protect against conditions that can cause electrical shock and fire hazards. It includes safety tips for dealing with power tools, downed power lines, floods and electricity, and portable […]

Holiday Gift Guide: For a Loved One with Young Children

Perhaps one of the most challenging traditions of the holiday season is making a shopping list and checking it twice.  To help alleviate gift-giving stress, ESFI suggests that you consider gifting home safety devices to your loved ones this year.  These unique gift ideas go beyond the traditional, providing the added gift of safety to […]

Holiday Gift Guide: For any Loved One or Friend

Perhaps one of the most challenging traditions of the holiday season is making a shopping list and checking it twice.  To help alleviate gift-giving stress, ESFI suggests that you consider gifting home safety devices to your loved ones this year.  These unique gift ideas go beyond the traditional, providing the added gift of safety. Make […]

ESFI Holiday Gift Guide: Protecting Big Ticket Items

Big-ticket electronics, such as televisions, computers and gaming consoles, are at the top of many holiday wish lists.   While safety may not be the first thing that comes to mind when shopping the holiday sales, purchasing, installing, and operating these items safely protects not only this expensive equipment, but also the entire home. Safety […]

Powerful Thoughts from the President: National Electrical Safety Month

Twenty years ago the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) was founded as a cooperative effort by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to advance the public’s electrical safety awareness with the provision of unbiased information.  We’ve accomplished a lot in our twenty years, though […]

Buyer’s Guide: Purchasing Tip

Give your loved ones and yourself the gift of safety.  If you plan to add to or replace some of your holiday decorations this season, follow this tip sheet to be sure you purchase safe electrical products. Purchasing Tips Always buy electrical equipment that displays a label indicating it has undergone independent testing by a […]