Importance of Qualified Workers – Video Short
Working with electricity is extremely dangerous, so it’s important to always hire qualified electrical workers for those jobs. At the workplace or job site, 69% of all electrical fatalities involved non-electrical workers. Overhead power lines, unexpected contact with electricity, working on energized parts, ground faults, and damaged wiring accounted for 92% of electrical fatalities. Avoid […]
Lockout / Tagout – Video Short
According to OSHA following proper lockout / tagout procedures can prevent an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries every year. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to properly lockout / tagout and avoid unnecessary risk. Start by notifying all employees about the required lockout. Shut down equipment using the normal stopping procedure. Locate […]
Overhead Power Line Safety – Video Short
Overhead power lines cause 46% of electrically related deaths in the workplace. To avoid danger, always look up and be aware of overhead power lines. Always assume that lines are live and dangerous. Keep yourself and your equipment at least 10 feet away from any lines. Never touch anything that is in contact with power […]
Test Before You Touch – Video Short
Accidental contact with energized equipment causes 45% of all electrically related deaths in the workplace. Make sure you always test for voltage before you perform any work. Test the area around the equipment you’re working on. Be sure to perform a site and risk assessment before doing any work, and when it’s possible, turn off […]
Workplace Safety – Program Introduction
The greatest value of any business or any industry is the people. You depend on your people, a workforce that is made up of individuals that have family and friends. Our mission is to keep people safe, your employees safe. While power makes enterprise possible, it can be deadly. You can’t see it, smell it, […]
Workplace Safety – Know When to Say When – Know When to Stop Work
While qualified electrical line workers and electricians are often willing to go above and beyond the call, some jobs require specific knowledge and experience. That’s why it’s important to stop and reassess a situation if there is ever a doubt about a job’s task or a procedure’s requirement. As qualified electrical workers, it is our […]
Workplace Safety – The Importance of Qualified Electrical Workers
Electricity is vital to every building, whether residential, industrial, or commercial. It’s what helps run our businesses and our society as a whole. The importance of electricity cannot be underestimated, in the same way that its danger cannot be taken for granted. Contact with electricity is a leading cause of workplace injuries and fatalities, but […]
Workplace Safety – Know When to Say When
While qualified electrical line workers and electricians are often willing to go above and beyond the call, some jobs require specific knowledge and experience. That’s why it’s important to stop and reassess a situation if there is ever doubt about a job’s task or a procedure’s requirement. If a new issue arises on the job, […]
Workplace Safety – Siempre Mirar Hacia Arriba – Trades
Un conductor de un camión estaba transportando tierra con un remolque de descarga. El conductor levantó el remolque a menos de medio pie de distancia de un cable eléctrico de 12,500 voltios lo que causó que la electricidad se transfiriera al remolque. Cuando el conductor salió de la cabina y tocó el suelo, el semirremolque […]
Workplace Safety – Siempre Mirar Hacia Arriba
Un conductor de un camión estaba transportando tierra con un remolque de descarga. El conductor levantó el remolque a menos de medio pie de distancia de un cable eléctrico de 12,500 voltios lo que causó que la electricidad se transfiriera al remolque. Cuando el conductor salió de la cabina y tocó el suelo, el semirremolque […]
Workplace Safety – Always Look Up – Trades
A dump truck driver was transporting dirt. The driver raised the bed less than half a foot away from a 12,500-volt overhead power line causing electricity to jump to the truck bed. When the driver stepped out of the cab and touched the ground, the dump truck had become energized and part of the electrical […]
Workplace Safety – Always Look Up
A dump truck driver was transporting dirt. The driver raised the bed less than half a foot away from a 12,500-volt overhead power line causing electricity to jump to the truck bed. When the driver stepped out of the cab and touched the ground, the dump truck had become energized and part of the electrical […]