Prepare your Home or Business for Electric Vehicles

Thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle? Make sure your home or business is prepared for electric vehicle charging: Charging Types Charging types vary based on the amount of electricity used and how fast they charge Level 1: 120v. Standard home outlet. 3-5 miles of range per hour Level 2: 240v. Requires EV charger installation. 10-20 […]

Understanding Electric Vehicles

Connected to Safety Are you purchasing, or have you recently purchased, an electric vehicle? Learn about the different charging options you have and how to charge your electric vehicle safely.  HOME CHARGING: ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE) Before using a charger, ensure the equipment has been listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) Have a […]

Installing Electric Vehicle Chargers

How to Prepare your Business Are you interested in installing electric vehicle chargers at your building or place of business? Adding Level 3 charging can attract new business or provide an incentive to employees while showing your corporate social responsibility. Level 3 chargers provide 60 – 80 miles of range in 20 minutes. Installation typically […]